September 19-25
September 19-25
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday/Sunday |
*Only one Rest Day per week. If you choose to rest on Saturday, please do an activity of your choice on Sunday (and vice versa). We have provided you with a suggested video as well if you'd prefer.
**Get outside! Do something active! It's up to you!
**Get outside! Do something active! It's up to you!
Week 1 - Snacking
Week 1 - Snacking
OK. It's the end of the day. You did your workout, you ate properly, the kids are in bed and now it's "your" time. I don't know about you, but that almost always also means snack time to me! What's better than relaxing with a good book or a trashy TV show while indulging in a little snack? And while you also know that a veggie plate is probably a better choice, a bag of chips is way more convenient. Here are a few tips to help you keep your snacking on the healthy side, and maybe free up a few calories for a glass of vino ...
- Veggies & Dip: Prep your veggies ahead of time so they're just as easy to grab as a bag of chips. Sound too boring? How about dipping them in some hummus or low calorie dip?
- Bananas: A great source of vitamins, minerals & fibre. And at only 100 calories each with no kitchen cleanup required they are a perfect nighttime snack.
- Apples & Nut Butter: If you're craving something sweet, try an apple & peanut butter (or almond butter). The protein in the nut butter will fill you up without feeling heavy in your stomach.
- Cereal: It's not just for breakfast anymore! A bowl of whole grain cereal and skim milk is a great nighttime snack. Just make sure there's little to no sugar in it!
- Visit this website for a few more ideas and recipes.
Week 1 - The Power of Language
Click HERE to view a video that will explain this week's goal setting activity.
Week 1 - The Power of Language
Click HERE to view a video that will explain this week's goal setting activity.