We have an extensive video library featuring well over 100 videos. We offer a variety of options, from 10 minute strength videos to 60 minute DanceSTRONG cardio classes. We record all our live classes and publish them to the library regularly (minimum 2/week), as well as adding a few extras from time to time. For $25/month you will receive access to our full library PLUS you'll be able to join our live Zoom classes at no additional charge. Register now!
2-Step Registration for Video Access
Once we receive this information we will add you to the website as a member and you will receive an email inviting you to the group. This email will come from "[email protected]". You should receive this email within 2 hours of submitting payment, but as this is reliant upon us creating your membership it may take a little longer so please be patient. Should you have any questions or require more information please do not hesitate to reach out.
- Click the PayPal button below to purchase OR send an e-transfer for $25 to [email protected].
- If you're new to our classes, please complete the additional form below so that we have your email address which we'll need to set up access to our video library.
Once we receive this information we will add you to the website as a member and you will receive an email inviting you to the group. This email will come from "[email protected]". You should receive this email within 2 hours of submitting payment, but as this is reliant upon us creating your membership it may take a little longer so please be patient. Should you have any questions or require more information please do not hesitate to reach out.